Class: Google::Cloud::Vision::V1::ImageSource

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External image source (Google Cloud Storage image location).

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Returns NOTE: For new code +image_uri+ below is preferred. Google Cloud Storage image URI, which must be in the following form: +gs://bucket_name/object_name+ (for details, see Cloud Storage Request URIs[]). NOTE: Cloud Storage object versioning is not supported.


# File 'lib/google/cloud/vision/v1/doc/google/cloud/vision/v1/image_annotator.rb', line 89

class ImageSource; end


Returns Image URI which supports: 1) Google Cloud Storage image URI, which must be in the following form: +gs://bucket_name/object_name+ (for details, see Cloud Storage Request URIs[]). NOTE: Cloud Storage object versioning is not supported. 2) Publicly accessible image HTTP/HTTPS URL. This is preferred over the legacy +gcs_image_uri+ above. When both +gcs_image_uri+ and +image_uri+ are specified, +image_uri+ takes precedence.


  • (String)

    Image URI which supports: 1) Google Cloud Storage image URI, which must be in the following form: +gs://bucket_name/object_name+ (for details, see Cloud Storage Request URIs[]). NOTE: Cloud Storage object versioning is not supported. 2) Publicly accessible image HTTP/HTTPS URL. This is preferred over the legacy +gcs_image_uri+ above. When both +gcs_image_uri+ and +image_uri+ are specified, +image_uri+ takes precedence.

# File 'lib/google/cloud/vision/v1/doc/google/cloud/vision/v1/image_annotator.rb', line 89

class ImageSource; end