Class: Google::Cloud::Speech::V1::WordInfo

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Word-specific information for recognized words. Word information is only included in the response when certain request parameters are set, such as +enable_word_time_offsets+.

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Details


Returns Output-only Time offset relative to the beginning of the audio, and corresponding to the end of the spoken word. This field is only set if +enable_word_time_offsets=true+ and only in the top hypothesis. This is an experimental feature and the accuracy of the time offset can vary.


  • (Google::Protobuf::Duration)

    Output-only Time offset relative to the beginning of the audio, and corresponding to the end of the spoken word. This field is only set if +enable_word_time_offsets=true+ and only in the top hypothesis. This is an experimental feature and the accuracy of the time offset can vary.

# File 'lib/google/cloud/speech/v1/doc/google/cloud/speech/v1/cloud_speech.rb', line 401

class WordInfo; end


Returns Output-only Time offset relative to the beginning of the audio, and corresponding to the start of the spoken word. This field is only set if +enable_word_time_offsets=true+ and only in the top hypothesis. This is an experimental feature and the accuracy of the time offset can vary.


  • (Google::Protobuf::Duration)

    Output-only Time offset relative to the beginning of the audio, and corresponding to the start of the spoken word. This field is only set if +enable_word_time_offsets=true+ and only in the top hypothesis. This is an experimental feature and the accuracy of the time offset can vary.

# File 'lib/google/cloud/speech/v1/doc/google/cloud/speech/v1/cloud_speech.rb', line 401

class WordInfo; end


Returns Output-only The word corresponding to this set of information.


  • (String)

    Output-only The word corresponding to this set of information.

# File 'lib/google/cloud/speech/v1/doc/google/cloud/speech/v1/cloud_speech.rb', line 401

class WordInfo; end