Class: Google::Spanner::V1::CommitRequest

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The request for Commit.

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Returns The mutations to be executed when this transaction commits. All mutations are applied atomically, in the order they appear in this list.


  • (Array<Google::Spanner::V1::Mutation>)

    The mutations to be executed when this transaction commits. All mutations are applied atomically, in the order they appear in this list.

# File 'lib/google/cloud/spanner/v1/doc/google/spanner/v1/spanner.rb', line 259

class CommitRequest; end


Returns Required. The session in which the transaction to be committed is running.


  • (String)

    Required. The session in which the transaction to be committed is running.

# File 'lib/google/cloud/spanner/v1/doc/google/spanner/v1/spanner.rb', line 259

class CommitRequest; end


Returns Execute mutations in a temporary transaction. Note that unlike commit of a previously-started transaction, commit with a temporary transaction is non-idempotent. That is, if the +CommitRequest+ is sent to Cloud Spanner more than once (for instance, due to retries in the application, or in the transport library), it is possible that the mutations are executed more than once. If this is undesirable, use BeginTransaction and Commit instead.


  • (Google::Spanner::V1::TransactionOptions)

    Execute mutations in a temporary transaction. Note that unlike commit of a previously-started transaction, commit with a temporary transaction is non-idempotent. That is, if the +CommitRequest+ is sent to Cloud Spanner more than once (for instance, due to retries in the application, or in the transport library), it is possible that the mutations are executed more than once. If this is undesirable, use BeginTransaction and Commit instead.

# File 'lib/google/cloud/spanner/v1/doc/google/spanner/v1/spanner.rb', line 259

class CommitRequest; end


Returns Commit a previously-started transaction.


  • (String)

    Commit a previously-started transaction.

# File 'lib/google/cloud/spanner/v1/doc/google/spanner/v1/spanner.rb', line 259

class CommitRequest; end