Module: Google::Pubsub::V1

Defined in:


The Google::Pubsub::V1 module provides the following types:

Class Description
AcknowledgeRequest Request for the Acknowledge method.
DeleteSubscriptionRequest Request for the DeleteSubscription method.
DeleteTopicRequest Request for the DeleteTopic method.
GetSubscriptionRequest Request for the GetSubscription method.
GetTopicRequest Request for the GetTopic method.
ListSubscriptionsRequest Request for the ListSubscriptions method.
ListSubscriptionsResponse Response for the ListSubscriptions method.
ListTopicsRequest Request for the ListTopics method.
ListTopicsResponse Response for the ListTopics method.
ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest Request for the ListTopicSubscriptions method.
ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse Response for the ListTopicSubscriptions method.
ModifyAckDeadlineRequest Request for the ModifyAckDeadline method.
ModifyPushConfigRequest Request for the ModifyPushConfig method.
PublishRequest Request for the Publish method.
PublishResponse Response for the Publish method.
PubsubMessage A message data and its attributes.
PullRequest Request for the Pull method.
PullResponse Response for the Pull method.
PushConfig Configuration for a push delivery endpoint.
ReceivedMessage A message and its corresponding acknowledgment ID.
StreamingPullRequest Request for the StreamingPull streaming RPC method.
StreamingPullResponse Response for the StreamingPull streaming RPC method.
Subscription A subscription resource.
Topic A topic resource.

Defined Under Namespace

Classes: AcknowledgeRequest, DeleteSubscriptionRequest, DeleteTopicRequest, GetSubscriptionRequest, GetTopicRequest, ListSubscriptionsRequest, ListSubscriptionsResponse, ListTopicSubscriptionsRequest, ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse, ListTopicsRequest, ListTopicsResponse, ModifyAckDeadlineRequest, ModifyPushConfigRequest, PublishRequest, PublishResponse, PubsubMessage, PullRequest, PullResponse, PushConfig, ReceivedMessage, StreamingPullRequest, StreamingPullResponse, Subscription, Topic