Ruby Client for Stackdriver Monitoring API (Beta)

Stackdriver Monitoring API: Manages your Stackdriver Monitoring data and configurations. Most projects must be associated with a Stackdriver account, with a few exceptions as noted on the individual method pages.

Quick Start

In order to use this library, you first need to go through the following steps:

  1. Select or create a Cloud Platform project.
  2. Enable billing for your project.
  3. Enable the Stackdriver Monitoring API.
  4. Setup Authentication.


$ gem install google-cloud-monitoring



require "google/cloud/monitoring"

metric_service_client =
formatted_name = Google::Cloud::Monitoring::V3::MetricServiceClient.project_path(project_id)

# Iterate over all results.
metric_service_client.list_monitored_resource_descriptors(formatted_name).each do |element|
  # Process element.

# Or iterate over results one page at a time.
metric_service_client.list_monitored_resource_descriptors(formatted_name).each_page do |page|
  # Process each page at a time.
  page.each do |element|
    # Process element.

Supported Ruby Versions

This library is supported on Ruby 2.0+.

However, Ruby 2.3 or later is strongly recommended, as earlier releases have reached or are nearing end-of-life. After June 1, 2018, Google will provide official support only for Ruby versions that are considered current and supported by Ruby Core (that is, Ruby versions that are either in normal maintenance or in security maintenance). See for further details.

Next Steps