Class: Google::Logging::V2::ListLogEntriesResponse

  • Object
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Result returned from +ListLogEntries+.

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Details


A list of log entries. If +entries+ is empty, +nextPageToken+ may still be returned, indicating that more entries may exist. See +nextPageToken+ for more information.


  • (Array<Google::Logging::V2::LogEntry>)

    A list of log entries. If +entries+ is empty, +nextPageToken+ may still be returned, indicating that more entries may exist. See +nextPageToken+ for more information.

# File 'lib/google/cloud/logging/v2/doc/google/logging/v2/logging.rb', line 188

class ListLogEntriesResponse; end


Returns If there might be more results than those appearing in this response, then +nextPageToken+ is included. To get the next set of results, call this method again using the value of +nextPageToken+ as +pageToken+.

If a value for +next_page_token+ appears and the +entries+ field is empty, it means that the search found no log entries so far but it did not have time to search all the possible log entries. Retry the method with this value for +page_token+ to continue the search. Alternatively, consider speeding up the search by changing your filter to specify a single log name or resource type, or to narrow the time range of the search.


  • (String)

    If there might be more results than those appearing in this response, then +nextPageToken+ is included. To get the next set of results, call this method again using the value of +nextPageToken+ as +pageToken+.

    If a value for +next_page_token+ appears and the +entries+ field is empty, it means that the search found no log entries so far but it did not have time to search all the possible log entries. Retry the method with this value for +page_token+ to continue the search. Alternatively, consider speeding up the search by changing your filter to specify a single log name or resource type, or to narrow the time range of the search.

# File 'lib/google/cloud/logging/v2/doc/google/logging/v2/logging.rb', line 188

class ListLogEntriesResponse; end