Module: Google::Devtools::Clouderrorreporting::V1beta1

Defined in:


Stackdriver Error Reporting API Contents

Class Description
ErrorGroupServiceClient Stackdriver Error Reporting groups and counts similar errors from cloud services. The Stackdriver Error Reporting API provides a way to report new errors and read access to error groups and their associated errors.
ErrorStatsServiceClient Stackdriver Error Reporting groups and counts similar errors from cloud services. The Stackdriver Error Reporting API provides a way to report new errors and read access to error groups and their associated errors.
ReportErrorsServiceClient Stackdriver Error Reporting groups and counts similar errors from cloud services. The Stackdriver Error Reporting API provides a way to report new errors and read access to error groups and their associated errors.
Data Types Data types for Google::Cloud::ErrorReporting::V1beta1

Defined Under Namespace

Modules: ErrorGroupOrder, TimedCountAlignment Classes: DeleteEventsRequest, DeleteEventsResponse, ErrorContext, ErrorEvent, ErrorGroup, ErrorGroupStats, HttpRequestContext, ListEventsRequest, ListEventsResponse, ListGroupStatsRequest, ListGroupStatsResponse, QueryTimeRange, ReportErrorEventRequest, ReportErrorEventResponse, ReportedErrorEvent, ServiceContext, ServiceContextFilter, SourceLocation, TimedCount, TrackingIssue