Class: Google::Privacy::Dlp::V2::PrivacyMetric::KAnonymityConfig

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k-anonymity metric, used for analysis of reidentification risk.

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Instance Attribute Details


Returns Optional message indicating that multiple rows might be associated to a single individual. If the same entity_id is associated to multiple quasi-identifier tuples over distict rows, we consider the entire collection of tuples as the composite quasi-identifier. This collection is a multiset: the order in which the different tuples appear in the dataset is ignored, but their frequency is taken into account.

Important note: a maximum of 1000 rows can be associated to a single entity ID. If more rows are associated with the same entity ID, some might be ignored.


  • (Google::Privacy::Dlp::V2::EntityId)

    Optional message indicating that multiple rows might be associated to a single individual. If the same entity_id is associated to multiple quasi-identifier tuples over distict rows, we consider the entire collection of tuples as the composite quasi-identifier. This collection is a multiset: the order in which the different tuples appear in the dataset is ignored, but their frequency is taken into account.

    Important note: a maximum of 1000 rows can be associated to a single entity ID. If more rows are associated with the same entity ID, some might be ignored.

# File 'lib/google/cloud/dlp/v2/doc/google/privacy/dlp/v2/dlp.rb', line 697

class KAnonymityConfig; end


Returns Set of fields to compute k-anonymity over. When multiple fields are specified, they are considered a single composite key. Structs and repeated data types are not supported; however, nested fields are supported so long as they are not structs themselves or nested within a repeated field.


  • (Array<Google::Privacy::Dlp::V2::FieldId>)

    Set of fields to compute k-anonymity over. When multiple fields are specified, they are considered a single composite key. Structs and repeated data types are not supported; however, nested fields are supported so long as they are not structs themselves or nested within a repeated field.

# File 'lib/google/cloud/dlp/v2/doc/google/privacy/dlp/v2/dlp.rb', line 697

class KAnonymityConfig; end