Class: Google::Privacy::Dlp::V2::ListJobTriggersRequest

  • Object
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Request message for ListJobTriggers.

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Details


Returns Optional comma separated list of triggeredJob fields to order by, followed by 'asc/desc' postfix, i.e. +"create_time asc,name desc,schedule_mode asc"+. This list is case-insensitive.

Example: +"name asc,schedule_mode desc, status desc"+

Supported filters keys and values are:

  • +create_time+: corresponds to time the triggeredJob was created.
  • +update_time+: corresponds to time the triggeredJob was last updated.
  • +name+: corresponds to JobTrigger's display name.
  • +status+: corresponds to the triggeredJob status.


  • (String)

    Optional comma separated list of triggeredJob fields to order by, followed by 'asc/desc' postfix, i.e. +"create_time asc,name desc,schedule_mode asc"+. This list is case-insensitive.

    Example: +"name asc,schedule_mode desc, status desc"+

    Supported filters keys and values are:

    • +create_time+: corresponds to time the triggeredJob was created.
    • +update_time+: corresponds to time the triggeredJob was last updated.
    • +name+: corresponds to JobTrigger's display name.
    • +status+: corresponds to the triggeredJob status.

# File 'lib/google/cloud/dlp/v2/doc/google/privacy/dlp/v2/dlp.rb', line 1828

class ListJobTriggersRequest; end


Returns Optional size of the page, can be limited by a server.


  • (Integer)

    Optional size of the page, can be limited by a server.

# File 'lib/google/cloud/dlp/v2/doc/google/privacy/dlp/v2/dlp.rb', line 1828

class ListJobTriggersRequest; end


Returns Optional page token to continue retrieval. Comes from previous call to ListJobTriggers. +order_by+ and +filter+ should not change for subsequent calls, but can be omitted if token is specified.


  • (String)

    Optional page token to continue retrieval. Comes from previous call to ListJobTriggers. +order_by+ and +filter+ should not change for subsequent calls, but can be omitted if token is specified.

# File 'lib/google/cloud/dlp/v2/doc/google/privacy/dlp/v2/dlp.rb', line 1828

class ListJobTriggersRequest; end


Returns The parent resource name, for example projects/my-project-id.


  • (String)

    The parent resource name, for example projects/my-project-id.

# File 'lib/google/cloud/dlp/v2/doc/google/privacy/dlp/v2/dlp.rb', line 1828

class ListJobTriggersRequest; end