Class: Google::Privacy::Dlp::V2beta1::OutputStorageConfig

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Cloud repository for storing output.

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Details


Returns The path to a Google Cloud Storage location to store output. The bucket must already exist and the Google APIs service account for DLP must have write permission to write to the given bucket. Results are split over multiple csv files with each file name matching the pattern "[operation_id]_[count].csv", for example +3094877188788974909_1.csv+. The +operation_id+ matches the identifier for the Operation, and the +count+ is a counter used for tracking the number of files written.

The CSV file(s) contain the following columns regardless of storage type scanned:

  • id
  • info_type
  • likelihood
  • byte size of finding
  • quote
  • timestamp

For Cloud Storage the next columns are:

  • file_path
  • start_offset

For Cloud Datastore the next columns are:

  • project_id
  • namespace_id
  • path
  • column_name
  • offset

For BigQuery the next columns are:

  • row_number
  • project_id
  • dataset_id
  • table_id


  • (Google::Privacy::Dlp::V2beta1::CloudStoragePath)

    The path to a Google Cloud Storage location to store output. The bucket must already exist and the Google APIs service account for DLP must have write permission to write to the given bucket. Results are split over multiple csv files with each file name matching the pattern "[operation_id]_[count].csv", for example +3094877188788974909_1.csv+. The +operation_id+ matches the identifier for the Operation, and the +count+ is a counter used for tracking the number of files written.

    The CSV file(s) contain the following columns regardless of storage type scanned:

    • id
    • info_type
    • likelihood
    • byte size of finding
    • quote
    • timestamp

    For Cloud Storage the next columns are:

    • file_path
    • start_offset

    For Cloud Datastore the next columns are:

    • project_id
    • namespace_id
    • path
    • column_name
    • offset

    For BigQuery the next columns are:

    • row_number
    • project_id
    • dataset_id
    • table_id

# File 'lib/google/cloud/dlp/v2beta1/doc/google/privacy/dlp/v2beta1/dlp.rb', line 352

class OutputStorageConfig; end


Returns Store findings in a new table in the dataset.


# File 'lib/google/cloud/dlp/v2beta1/doc/google/privacy/dlp/v2beta1/dlp.rb', line 352

class OutputStorageConfig; end