Class: Google::Bigtable::V2::Row

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Specifies the complete (requested) contents of a single row of a table. Rows which exceed 256MiB in size cannot be read in full.

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Returns May be empty, but only if the entire row is empty. The mutual ordering of column families is not specified.


  • (Array<Google::Bigtable::V2::Family>)

    May be empty, but only if the entire row is empty. The mutual ordering of column families is not specified.

# File 'lib/google/cloud/bigtable/v2/doc/google/bigtable/v2/data.rb', line 29

class Row; end


Returns The unique key which identifies this row within its table. This is the same key that's used to identify the row in, for example, a MutateRowRequest. May contain any non-empty byte string up to 4KiB in length.


  • (String)

    The unique key which identifies this row within its table. This is the same key that's used to identify the row in, for example, a MutateRowRequest. May contain any non-empty byte string up to 4KiB in length.

# File 'lib/google/cloud/bigtable/v2/doc/google/bigtable/v2/data.rb', line 29

class Row; end